
After 3 years of living in isolation, I feel it's time I said to the world I SHAVE PETES FURRY ANIMAL I am a perfectly normal person. Well, thats what I like to tell the police. I love rocks, and marmite and making random comments. I feel that this should be a forum for everyone and everything, (esp. volcanoes, and rocks and furry stuff). Frankie Vaughan deserves a mention here as well. I would like to make it clear at this stage that I am not as random as Dave, or as perverted as THE BELLY Thats the random clauses got out of the way, oh wait I forgot to put any in. Well never mind, heres the rest of the site:
Hello there you fun loving people, I hope you've all brought along your favorite socks. Welcome to my world of sinfull desires (hmmm dolomitic conglomerate, hmmmmmm). If you would like to, there is a guest book somewhere on this page
where you can leave your perverted messages and suggestions.
At this juction in our bonding of friendship I feel that it is very important for me to confess that: I spend my pocket money on whores. Oh and one other thing..Please, if you see me in the street, grab me by the bananas and feed me to the monkeys.
Look. We haven't left this room for 12 months. I've lost all feeling in my arse. And it's only partly to the use of her dildo.
Don`t forget the guestbook.
What the fuck is going on here? Answers to Pete Rodinson please.
Love is a term rarely used properly and we believe it should be spread more often. Alone, with 2 or 3 people (did someone say threesome?) and even on toast. Pete Rodinson will be more than willing to give head and/or advice on the use of teeth. Not at the same time tho', did your mother never teach you it's rude to talk with your mouth full? It should be pointed out that: I DONT live with 200 people. We DEFINATLY DO NOT bath and shower together. We DONT GO ANYWHERE NEAR ANIMALS LET ALONE shag the pets together.
I have a dog and a cat (the cat is called Sybil) -LIES, ALL LIES. I get very upset if anybody else takes advatage of my sex pets (SEE PREVIOUS NOTES)
Everyone in the family likes to clean out the animals, because they get the chance to cleen out all the `hard to reach` areas. I THINK/HOPE DAVE MEANT BEHIND THE KENNEL DOOR We were all writing out our family tree for last night. All we managed to end up with a fairly straight line. NO PETER, NOT THAT KIND OF STRAIGHT. WE'LL HAVE NONE OF THAT HERE. Well its all the same on the Isle of Sheppy and Wales.
Bloody hell, Dave went into over drive for this section. My friends are all very odd. (Here are a few pictures:The amazingly almost new, photo page... Look here.) The one thing wee all have in common is a liking of the number 04. One person, who will not be named, has leather gloves, and an industrial size pot of KY jelly. He started to describe Toad Of Toad Hall, of Wind In The Willows fame. However, I cant imagine an oversized, worty frog carring a tub of lub. Which they can apply with a vaccume cleaner. Nasty nasty nasty, not to mention painful
I an a small time local pimp working for a much larger body,Pete? an off shoot of the Russian Mafia. I don`t get in trouble with the law, because the Super-intendant is one of my regular lady users, Not because your good at your job? and also knows my cousin and grandmother. I told you he is ramdom
I like to lubricate with Vics. (mental note: don`t use on sensative areas.) Sound advice I`m sure
I have sexual fantasies about Anne Widecombe, AARRGGGHHH as he looks like a horse. I like horses. Click here and see pictures of Anne naked. She is great. What did she do to get a body like that?...possibly Miss Millies...
I recomend you all go out and buy inflatable Anne dolls. They`re just like the real thing. All dry and crusty the second time round. I`m thinking of deleteing much of the last statements. Would anyone be upset if I did?
Here are pictures of my arse. Its great....Spank it here

I like watching people walking. Personally, I like walking with my fish. My ability to shag sheep is much admired by Welsh people. Many of who have copied my techniques.
Cos its not shit.
The love of the native Welsh animal has inspired many great invetions. For example the velcro gloves, and the eletric razor.
Yes the razor was invented to ease entry into the sheep, because we all know it not that easy. Anybody who disagrees either miss heard the question, or is lying.
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Spaghetti Fiend says, "This is not as good as this page." This is quite an interesing quote, because we all know he is talking bollocks.
The Great Fantastic SHEEP GAME!
This is the long awaited, (I hope) well advertised, and well loved sheep game. This should not be played if you are Welsh, because it may be found offencive or a turn on... Well thats the offical warning over with so lets play The Sheep Game! (ps. click on the sheep to enter!)To make it easy, and less dangerous, the task of shaving the sheep has been done for you.
Me and him. We're identical so it makes things easier to find.
Belly. You should see what he can do with that tongue.